About Us

We have a wide experience and familiarity in all scope of Landscaping Works such as:

  • Softscape: Palms, Trees, Shrubs, Groundcover, Exotic Plants, Turfing, Soiling, etc.
  • Hardscape: Sculpture, Artificial Rock, Natural Stone, Decorative Wall, etc.
  • External Lighting: Design, Lighting material supply, installation, etc
  • Waterscape: Fountain, Waterfall, Swimmingpool, Pond, etc.
  • Golf Course: Hydroseeding, Sprigging, etc
  • Maintenance: Hotel, Apartment, Office Building, Residence garden, etc
  • Large Trees: Relocation, Replacement, Pruning, etc
  • Vertical Garden: Long term contract, Decoration Contract, exhibiton, etc

We sincerely hope that this initial contact will lead us to a real cooperation, mutually profitable to both sides. However, should you need further information please do not hasitate to contact us.

We thank you for giving us the oportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to be of service to you.



Name of Company : PT. AMTARA NIRMALA
Address : Jl.Kalibata Tengah No. 40B JAKARTA 12740
Telphone & Fax. : Telp. 021-7946722-23, Fax : 021-794 2325
Bank :
  • BankNegara Indonesia 1946
  • Bank Mandiri
  • Bank Permata
Specializing :
  • Landscape & Architeture Service
  • Supplier
Notarial Document :
  • Ny. Sri Artati SH. No. 4 tgl 1 Nopember 2005
  • Ny. Sri Artati SH. No. 5 tgl 4 Agustus 2005
  • Ny. Sri Artati SH. No. 16 tgl 1 Nopember 2005
  • Ny. Sri Artati SH. No. 22 tgl 28 Desember 1995

Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)

: 03687/1.824.51
Surat Izin Jasa Konstruksi (SUJK) : 0904.
Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) :
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) : 01.707.553.2.061000
AKLANI (Asosiasi Kontraktor Lansekap Indonesia) : AP003.01.0008.05.05